
  • 10 Awesome Real Estate Tips for Home Sellers
    When you bought your first house, you likely felt excitement with a hint of nervousness and maybe you even had a “What have I gotten myself into?” kind of moment. However, those emotions passed and you settled in and made that house your home. Whether you’ve stayed in this home for a couple of years […]
  • How To Conduct a Virtual House Hunt That’s As Good As the Real Thing
    If you’ve been thinking about buying a home for a while, you may have marked your calendar back in the winter to start your house hunt right about now. After all, spring typically kicks off the busiest home-buying period of the year. But what a difference a few months make! Now, the coronavirus pandemic probably […]
  • Can You Sell a Home in Foreclosure? Why Time Is of the Essence
    If you’re wondering, “Can I sell my home if it is in foreclosure?” you’ve likely missed several months of mortgage payments or may be already incurring the lender’s attorney fees for your continued delinquency. Whatever stage you’re in, it’s natural to feel paralyzed with disappointment, sadness, and a sense of panic when those overdue notices and warnings come from […]
  • Real Estate Investing As A Business
    “Investment is most intelligent when most business like” – Warren Buffett If investing is better when conducted most business like, does it mean that more real estate investors ought to be investing in a more businesslike fashion? Should every real estate investor be investing as a business? What does that really mean? What does it look […]
  • Investors: A Real Estate Agent’s Most Powerful Partnership
    As any real estate agent knows, leads are the lifeblood to success. This is why it is no secret that a high percentage of most agents’ time is dedicated to uncovering possible leads via as many conduits as possible.  That being said, all leads are not created equal. Some leads roll in thanks to expensive […]
  • How Pre-Qualification Can Help You Get Your Dream Home
    Buying a home is an important – and exciting – decision. After all, having a place to call your own, to raise your family in, to do as you wish with no landlord to answer to are all motivating factors in starting the process. But, in addition to these emotional reasons, buying a home can […]
  • Seeking High-Quality Contractors to Join Our Team
    An important piece of the real estate puzzle hinges on building a strong team. This is why in addition to our network of agents, lenders, attorneys, and brokers, we are always on the lookout for great contractors to partner with. Below is some more insight on what we are looking for along with a number […]
  • Are you Looking to Grow Your Real Estate Investment Opportunities?
    If you are a real estate investor looking to purchase wholesale properties or partner on joint venture projects, look no further. Our team has the experience, know-how, and infrastructure to offer you opportunities in your real estate investment endeavors. No matter if you are looking for a rehab project to work on or you are […]
  • Situations We Can Help Home Sellers With
    Homeowners find themselves in the position of having to sell their home fast for any number of reasons. For example, there are times when family obligations require you to move out of state with little warning. Maybe a job relocation takes you to a new area. Or a personal situation has arisen, putting homeowners on […]
  • Housing Still The Best Investment Tool Of A Lifetime
    Many people are still wondering whether or not real estate is one of the best investment strategies for long-term wealth building. Is investing in homes still a smart investment for the average individual? Is a home still the best investment of a lifetime for most Americans? If so, why are some pessimists still questioning the rebound […]